Greener Lawn LLC Care Tips

Please Keep Children and Pets Off Lawn Until Dry!

We suggest twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours depending on weather conditions.



Mowing tips

Mow when the lawn needs mowed. Cut off no more than one-third of the grass plant's height at a time. The upper leafy grass clippings easily decompose, adding nitrogen to your soil.

When mowing, DO NOT SCALP! A mowing height of 2-1/2 to 3" is recommended. The higher you keep the lawn maintained, the better (less weeds and crabgrass) and it won't dry out as easily in the summer. Weedwacking or trimming can actually be a hindrance instead of a help. When one grinds down to the dirt, it allows weeds and other undesirable plants to help themselves.

One of the quickest ways to improve the look of your lawn is to sharpen the mower blade. Sharpen at least once a month. A sharp mower blade reduces "wound" size and is less likely to shred grass tips. Grass dries out more quickly if the blades aren't sharp.

To give your yard that "professional" look, mow in a different direction each time you cut your grass. Adjusting your path by 45-90 degrees with mowing keeps the grass growing upright instead of laying over. Another idea that makes your lawn look better from the road--mow diagonally. It hides the mower's tracks.

Also, Wait at least 24 hours after a treatment before mowing. The yard does not need to be mowed right before an application.



Watering Tips

When choosing to water, do so deeply and infrequently. Applying 1-1/2" of water at a time is generally adequate. Allow lawn to show the early signs of wilt before watering again. A lawn to be kept green and growing during summer months can require as much as 1-1/2" per week. However, to reduce and minimize permanent drought injury, water at least once every three weeks when lawn grasses are dormant. Avoid light, frequent watering which can create many many different turf problems.



Fertilizing, weed control, compacted soil, Aerating, and Moss

Give your lawn a balanced diet--overeating isn't good for healthy people, don't overfeed your lawn either! Too much fertilizer can cause problems for your lawn. Greener Lawn Care provides the right amount for each lawn.

Weeds are the most visible of lawn problems and the best way to control them is to have a healthy lawn. Grass can choke out weeds if your lawn is kept at proper height and fed appropriately; however, Broadleaf herbicides can be used when weeds are actively growing.

Because of compacted soil, grass becomes thin. An-aerated lawn provides space for grass roots to grow, reproduce and take in more oxygen, moisture, and nutrients. The plugs, composed of grass parts and soil, quickly break apart and decompose.

Reasons for moss: Compacted soil, excessive shade, poor drainage and acid soil. Remove moss and lime heavily. Trim tree limbs to allow more sunshine on the lawn.